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Publication rules


   Revista Murciana de Antropología admits the publication, with the prior approval of the editors, of unpublished works, which have not been published or presented to any other means of dissemination, with the following characteristics:

  • Research articles. In addition to their descriptive content, they must contain a theoretical reflection on the subject of study. Its recommended length should not exceed 25 pages (including bibliography and documentary appendices).

  • Book reviews. Its length should not exceed 4 pages.

  • Biographical testimonies of anthropological interest. Its length should not exceed 15 pages.

  • Monographs. When the nature of the work requires it. It will be published as an extraordinary number.


  • SUBMISSIONS: Papers can be submitted in Spanish, English or German. Authors will send their original, on computer support, including images, to the journal's OJS platform. (Optionally, they can also send them to:

  • ORIGINAL FORMAT: The first sheet of each work must present, in this order, the following elements: (1) Title: in Spanish and English (or German). (2) Author: name and surname of the author or authors, academic or professional affiliation (institution to which they belong). (3) Email. (4) Date of shipment. (5) Abstract and Abstract: up to 200 words in Spanish and English (or German). (6) Keywords and key words: ratio between 5 and 7, in Spanish and English (or German).  

  • REVIEWERS: The papers will be submitted to a peer review system. The evaluators will be external.

  • BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES: They will only correspond to works cited in the text. These will appear alphabetically listed at the end of the article and  They must be made using the APA, 6th Ed. citation system, according to the following model:

a) Book :  Author (s) of the book - Surname, Initial. (Year of publication). Title of the book . Publishing place: Editorial.


Jordán Montés, JF (2008). The imaginary of the old kingdom of Murcia . Murcia: Tres Fronteras editions.

b) Book chapter : Author's last name, Initial. (Year of publication). Chapter title. In Initial, Editor's last name (ed.), Book title , pp. Publishing place: Editorial.


Lehmann, A. (2014). Cultural anthropology and narratology. In K. Schriewer and S. Cayuela (ed.), Anthropological Perspectives. Tools for the analysis of European societies , 69-91.  Murcia: University of Murcia, Waxmann.

c) Journal Article : Author's Surname (s), Initial. (Year of publication). Article title. Magazine title , volume (nº), pp.


Sánchez Ferra, AJ (2004). Research on the story of oral tradition in the Campo de Cartagena region. State of the question.  Murcian Journal of Anthropology , 11, 299-314.

d) Footnotes . They will be numbered consecutively respecting the above criteria.

e) References in the text will appear in parentheses, with the name of the author, year and pages. Eg: (Schriewer, 2019, 55-56).

   Illustrations must be of the necessary quality for reproduction. They will be numbered and titled. The source of origin will be cited if they belong to other works. The authors are responsible for the reproduction rights.

    In accordance with the guidelines of the University Publications Service  of Murcia, the authors must fill in the "Metadata" of their submission; that is, "abstract", "keywords" and "bibliographic references".

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