Exposición MEViT en Murcia 2024
Del 19 de junio al 17 de julio de 2024
Av. Juan Carlos I, 17, 30008 Murcia
In the 2020 Jean Monnet Actions / Erasmus + call, the European Commission (Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency) awarded the Murcian Society of Anthropology the research project Memory and Experience of the Victims of Terrorism - for greater visibility in Europe (MEViT) .
This project lasts for three years and is directed by dr. Salvador Cayuela Sánchez. Specialists from different disciplines in social sciences and humanities collaborate in it. Its main purpose is to recover the memory of the victims of terrorism and their families in the Region of Murcia
Equipo de Trabajo
Salvador Cayuela Sánchez (Universidad de Murcia. Email:
Klaus Schriewer
Marta Aguilar
Manuel Meseguer Nicolás
José Luis Díaz Agea
Aliety Fernández Marrero
Pedro Vicente Martínez
Pero Martínez Cavero (Presidente de SOMA)
Diego García Capilla
Natalia Moraes
Marta Latorre
Juan Ignacio Rico
Gabriel López Martínez
José Palacios Ramírez
Práxedes Muñoz Sánchez
Joaquín Rodes García
Modesto García Jiménez
Rainer Gehry
Carmen Guillén Lorente
José Antonio Molina Gómez
Maximiliano Mariño
Lourdes Pérez Martín
Rafael Pérez Baquero
David Avilés
Eduardo Cano Muñoz
Colaboración de MEViT con el proyecto VINCE